These are miserable and there’s 0 reason someone should get a free 1hk by throwing a knife at the floor or the wall just because the devs are incompetent.
Sure I’m a Hunter main, I get it, but it’s annoying and you expect me to take this game seriously?
Make it to where it can only do 50% damage at most, this is ridiculous. 0 skill involved. Whenever I die to these it makes me want to spam slurs in the chat
Edit: this is mainly directed towards the exotic that lets the knives bounce behind walls and cover for a no skill kill
going back to our grave in russia - old
The arthrys knives aren't exactly no skill at all. You gave to get at least 3 precision and then hit a "valid" angle. We definitely don't want an Arthys meta, though, and reducing their damage won't stop them from being strong. The best way to avoid them is to keep moving the knives only correct on the second bounce of you're not where it aimed after that it should miss.