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originally posted in: Master of Arms (Revert Change)
4/15/2024 9:47:29 AM
Shame such an awesome weapon is now garbage tier. Seriously, compare it to every other damage perk that can roll on primary weapons and 15% is weak, no 2 ways about it. Every other perk offers (at maxed stacks where applicable) 20-25-30-33-40-50% damage. Every single one requires 1-5 kills, but the ones that require more than 3 usually have a way to skip some of the rest, like Kinetic Tremors or Firefly on a weapon with One For All. 15% is basically nothing, especially compared to alternative weapons like Multimach or Ros Arago if RNG blessed you with a good roll for that (still hoping for a Subsistence/ Onslaught roll to pair with Doomfang). The closest I can get to why they nerfed a pinnacle perk like this again would be because we couldn't apply as many buffs or debuffs back then or because of new exotics.

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  • Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/16/2024 4:23:38 AM
    Desperate measures is also a worse adrenaline junkie unless you have some build with easy melees but it's fine. It's just a bit of nostalgia getting the recluse back. It could very easily have never came back. Just take it for what it is now honestly. There's a reason the old one was sunset. Just watch a quick youtube video of how easily it demolished people in PvP with like 0 effort

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  • It's basically a mix between Junkie and Swash for up to 20% damage. At least this has an excuse to be in the middle for buffs, but MOA? I understand the original nerf even if I don't agree with it from a personal standpoint. I'm serious when I say this, I almost never died to Recluse in its OG buffed state. Pick one cause of death and I can promise you I would die more to that: Spawn killing, already basically no chance to fight or run Team shooting, at least one using a OHK crutch more often than not Luna/ NF Shotguns Fusions, especially pre-nerf Backup Plan fusions Arbalest Shoulder charge Arc Web Handheld supernova No one. I repeat, no one complained about MOA after it was nerfed to 20%, not even when Stasis came out and everyone was using Whisper of Hedrons for another 25%(?) damage. Hell, basically no one used SMGs either because they were outclassed by just about everything. They nerfed it because of all the new/ more accessible buffs/ debuffs, or they nerfed it to give some relevance to Harmony, a perk basically no one uses, and is 100% their fault for making it a discounted version of MOA.

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  • Edited by A_mo: 4/15/2024 11:46:27 AM
    Ros agaro is a really cool extremely drop dependent gun.

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