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originally posted in: Onslaught LFG
4/24/2024 12:54:43 PM
Use the old LFG and ask players to have emblem tracker with X# of clears. I’ve never had a LFG fail that way

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  • Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/24/2024 1:32:37 PM
    Usually I put application required and I check that people have a good loadout and guardian rank 11 and usually that fixes things it's just crazy how many people actively seek out a group for legend onslaught but it's like they don't even intend on completing it lol. They just wipe before wave 10 Just a bit of a joke meme post because I know there's really nothing you can do to change the general population. People don't want to stay and get better. Soon as adversity hits, it's much nicer to just instaleave. I get it.

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  • Guardian rank is so worthless lmao. Mine is 7 but i raid, completed onslaught etc etc. Its just meaningless busy work

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  • Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/24/2024 7:05:24 PM
    Ok cool, it works for me. No need to get offended. Had this arguement between so many non gr11s. When i choose GR11s it ALWAYS goes smoothly. When i take a gamble with GR 6 or 7s, 90% of the time they're not competent. That's just my experience. Im not here saying you cant be a good GR6 or 7.

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  • Edited by Diaper: 4/24/2024 7:44:36 PM
    There is a need...indeed.... You+ Bungie are part of the problem with this game and community. Guardian ranks should never have been implemented in the first place. Its like the old gjall gatekeeping but even more corny and unnecessary. Get rid of guardian ranks and just spec dudes loadout. If its -blam!-, dont invite him.

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  • Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/24/2024 9:28:42 PM
    No need to get so upset over something you don't need to participate in. There are plenty of people in this game you can join who don't care about guardian rank. You can also very very easily host your own run and not ask that guardian ranks matter. If you raid and onslaught etc and claim to be so experienced, surely you know what it's like to have your time wasted by players who say they kwtd, but they don't actually. I'm not here saying every guardian rank has a use, i'm saying guardian rank 11 does. It's currently the only way besides the legend onslaught brave emblem or some seal, to [u]in game[/u] - check in an instant if someone is going to be relatively competent for the activity. Loadout really doesn't tell a whole lot. You can have a crafted apex predator and i'll have no idea if it's just from riven's wishes, or if you're a frequent raider. Once again, you don't have to participate. Can you maybe enlighten me on why you're acting like you're forced to? Because you aren't. It really just seems like you want to control how people like myself choose to handle LFG. If I want to be careful with the free time I have, what's that got to do with you? There are literal thousands and thousands of people who aren't doing what i'm doing who you can play with.

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  • "YoU CaN MaKe YoUr OwN" *gets kicked from a group, makes their own fireteam and waits half an hour for it to fill and falls asleep* Or, you can just spec a loadout and give people a chance. Ive been booted from Crota fireteams for my guardian rank. A raid ive done a million times in D1, and a million other times in D2 on my other account, and 3 times on this account lol. A raid thats so simple, any rank shouldnt really matter. Again, people like you are the problem (and bungies fireteam finder) "YoU wAnT To CoNtrOl HoW I PlAy" Yes.

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  • What activity are you playing where it takes half an hour to find people

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  • You know, for someone who wants to be taken seriously without needing guardian rank, you're not really doing the best job by hiding your stats

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