I’ve been playing Destiny since D1 beta. I have seen all the highs and all the lows of Destiny. There were times I had to leave and take a break and come back to the game. There are times that I swore I’d never play the game again. They’re were also times I would vouch to my friends that this is one of the best games I’ve played. I remember when Bungie would do things right and add content to the game or fix or change things and I also remember when bungie would take away and Sunset items or Nerf things into oblivion. I’m not gonna sit here and kiss bungie’s butt. I understand some people are angry and frustrated, however, at the end of the day this is just a game. I used to be a hard-core sweat in trials and be very competitive and take this game seriously. But I think everyone needs to take a step back and breathe and realize that there’s much more to life than playing destiny. Bungie will make decisions about their game, even if we agree with it or not, that’s just business and we are the consumer. It’s very nice when bungie is consumer friendly. and when they’re not, it sucks. And I agree that most modern gaming sucks to this day because of the season passes and the expensive items in the shop. But based off of what I see, there’s still a remnant of developers at bungie that are passionate about the game like we are, and want to enjoy it. So quit acting like grown children. Get a wife get a kid and then you realize it’s not worth sweating and crying about in the comments.
Y'alls gots ta learn to break up these walls of texts a little. [quote]I’ve been playing Destiny since D1 beta. I have seen all the highs and all the lows of Destiny. There were times I had to leave and take a break and come back to the game. There are times that I swore I’d never play the game again. They’re were also times I would vouch to my friends that this is one of the best games I’ve played. I remember when Bungie would do things right and add content to the game or fix or change things and I also remember when bungie would take away and Sunset items or Nerf things into oblivion. I’m not gonna sit here and kiss bungie’s butt. I understand some people are angry and frustrated, however, at the end of the day this is just a game. I used to be a hard-core sweat in trials and be very competitive and take this game seriously. But I think everyone needs to take a step back and breathe and realize that there’s much more to life than playing destiny. Bungie will make decisions about their game, even if we agree with it or not, that’s just business and we are the consumer. It’s very nice when bungie is consumer friendly. and when they’re not, it sucks. And I agree that most modern gaming sucks to this day because of the season passes and the expensive items in the shop. But based off of what I see, there’s still a remnant of developers at bungie that are passionate about the game like we are, and want to enjoy it. So quit acting like grown children. Get a wife get a kid and then you realize it’s not worth sweating and crying about in the comments.[/quote]