Provide a grind for solo players to get raid loot.
Love destiny hate people.
Hate raids.
Just want to make builds and play pve alone nowadays.
Clans and lfg are the most toxic experiences known to man.
Sadly I kind of agree here. I used to love to raid, back in the D1 days and spent lots of time with my pre-clan days clan and then weekends helping others through them. In D2 I ran Leviathan a couple of times and enjoyed it OK, Then came Scourge and my original D2 clan all quit, joined a new clan and it was OK till raiding and then they were TOXIC in SotP tried LFG a couple of times and found it even worse so I simply stopped raiding. Not just because of the toxicity but because of all the stupid time waster crap Bungo added, which was what caused ALL the frustration leading to toxicity. I would very much love to raid again, but based on experience and just seeing how people im general react and play in many other events that's a sad nope for me. If I could find fun, decent people to run with I'd start raiding again, Maybe. I'd love a couple of those weapons so, again maybe I could stomach a couple of LFG runs, but I will wait and see if its worth my sanity! For now I love my new shinys and can't wait for reset to get a new Blast Furnace (even though, heck especially because I was running with my sunset one just yesterday along with my Leviathan pulse and auto!)