So, I tried to launch Destiny 2 at first on my Xbox One, when it kicked me out; it said "Wait til update has finished...". After that, it began the update but then quickly said "Installation Stopped". I was confused on what happened, I assumed at glance it was the game malfunctioning but I pressed it again & again and it did the same thing. I immediately presumed "It's gotta be game corruption" and I am unfamiliar on how to deal with game corruption fully...but if my game is corrupted, then what should I do? I even uninstalled it and tried to reinstall it and it said "Game not updated, retry update?..." or something but as soon as I went to press "Update Again", that option immediately went away. Almost like something really serious was happening to the game within my Xbox. Is there anyone who can tell me what exactly I should do? I am like frustrated and too confused to even think about how it all happened and find a resolution.
well I'd check with Microsoft. sounds like a hardware problem.