This is a fan made backstory lore entry for my personal guardian
I woke up, maybe I was sleeping? I'm not quite sure, I don't remember anything and there's a small floating...thing in front of me
"Hey? Hey! Guardian! I finally found you, you have no idea how long I've been looking for you" the floating object exclaimed
"What are you talking about? Who are you? Who am I?" I look around, searching for an answer.
Then a gravestone right behind where i woke up catches my eye
Mick Rossen
Well, I guess that's a start. My name appears to be Mick Rossen. I then turn my attention to the floating Rhombus
"Hello guardian, I'm a ghost, my name is Leroy, and you've been dead a long time. You're a guardian, a Warrior of the light and I'll be able to catch you up at the Last city...which is quite far from here, actually we should probably get you a weapon first, this is fallen territory...and a set of armor...and a ship, we are gonna need so many things" Leroy seemed exasperated at the coming duties ahead.
"I guess a weapon is a good place to start, do you know where we could find one?" I begin to walk out of the graveyard
" not really" Leroy sighed, floating around the ruined gravesite
"Where even are we?" I ask as I walk through the Ruined, Abandoned city
"In the old world this place was called Anzio, and you were buried in that war grave you were resurrected in" Leroy scouts around the area for any weapons
Suddenly A fallen dreg appeared from a rooftop and pounces on me, I grab its head and slam it to the ground beside me, snapping it's neck
"Ah wha- huh!?" Leroy is absolutely astonished by what just happened
"The dreg...came out of nowhere! And you beat it with ease, how did you do that!?"
He asks getting very close to my face
"I don't know, It was like muscle memory or something" i look down and pick up the dreg's pistol
"Well, let's get going to that Last City" I say triumphantly walking to my new unknown future
I'd love to hear feedback on my narrative writing ability and interest in future Lore entries about Mick and Leroy
FREELANCE or bust - old
I'm no expert but I can tell you I liked it > good stuff.. cause it moves pretty quick I would add maybe more snippets of description of the area and I feel this part (quotedbelow) needs work but I'm not sure what (tense or different description): [quote]Suddenly A fallen dreg appeared from a rooftop and pounces on me, I grab its head and slam it to the ground beside me, snapping it's neck[/quote] Here is an example of a fictional d2 universe one I wrote (if the link works):