Hi All,
The following NPC or artifact on the map is flashing (as if there is some item(s) or activity still not interacted with)
1. Europa: Exo Stranger
2. Savathun's Throne World: Fynch
3. The Tower: Loom (I keep on depositing but nothing changes)
4. Into the Light Hall of Champions: Osiris
The above characters are flashing but when I reach them and interact, there is nothing unexplored, or not interacted, or an item I can collect.
It's getting annoying as I like to keep my maps clean, to make sure I can see easily which locations need my attention.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The same is happening to me too.
Hi there, Thanks for reporting. Would you be able to provide a video of this issue occurring? Uploading to a public video hosting site like YouTube works best.
There is a limit of 15 Synthweave materials per class, displayed on the Appearance Customization subscreen.