Trials of Osiris Pools need to be separated. Flawless against Flawless players weekly. So this can encourage and bring non flawless players opportunities to go to the Lighthouse. Higher percentage of players went to the lighthouse prior to the recent change that mixes the pools. Doing the mix now has no made trials unplayable. Most of the cards don't support a higher success rate. Not to mention you have other players making a profit off your game, charging others to carry them Flawless. There for turning a profit and cutting you @bungie out of the cut / %. So we need to create the separation pools again to help reduce this and creating a stronger bond in the community. This game is just amazing and has more potential. Just need to make tweaks that favor the players more. I don't care how much hate I get on my forums for this. It's factual.
Edited by Zodleon: 5/28/2024 5:40:50 AMZodleon
going back to our grave in russia - old
[quote]It's factual.[/quote] While you say a few things in here that contain facts, specifically that recoveries exist your opinion is in fact not factual and that fact is a fact. BTW the separate pools are [b]better[/b] for recoveries. [quote]Doing the mix now has no made trials unplayable.[/quote] I loaded in just fine, check your internet. [quote]There for turning a profit and cutting you @bungie out of the cut / %.[/quote] Wtf? Recoveries are objectively good for bungies wallet on the surface, as they have to own accounts that have the game and it's dlc, meaning they are costumers bungie wouldn't have otherwise. And bungie doesn't offer recovery services, they can't be cut out of a market they don't participate in. [quote]So we need to create the separation pools again to help reduce this and creating a stronger bond in the community.[/quote] As previously stated separate pools are good for recovs and only an idiot would think separating their players would "create a stronger bond" You do not want a better game mode you want a mode that caters to [u][b]you[/b][/u] and I'm tired of all of you who try to phrase it in a way that makes it altruistic. I'd respect you more if you were overtly selfish instead of making dumb justifications to look good, you don't btw.