So after Final Shaped launched I've tried enhancing the Zaouli's Bane (Harrowed) you could get from the pantheon triumphs and enhancing it has caused it to bug out a bit?
It's fully enhanced to tier 3 and the tier 3 perk enhancements have worked but the tier 2 enhancement hasn't? I've even tried reshaping it at the relic and still isn't as it should be with both tier 2 and tier 3 perks enhanced.
Annoyingly I don't have gameplay videos but these images I've attached do clearly show it's at tier 3, tier 3 enhanced perks have worked but there's still the red corners around the tier 2 perk saying that it can be enhanced.
If I was to have a guess, I'm betting on the general stability of the servers at the time causing this which can't be helped but still wanted to make devs aware of this bugged gun to see if it's not just me and a fix can be looked into?
I've had to upload the screenshots to google drive but should be accessible through the links
[quote]So after Final Shaped launched I've tried enhancing the Zaouli's Bane (Harrowed) you could get from the pantheon triumphs and enhancing it has caused it to bug out a bit? It's fully enhanced to tier 3 and the tier 3 perk enhancements have worked but the tier 2 enhancement hasn't? I've even tried reshaping it at the relic and still isn't as it should be with both tier 2 and tier 3 perks enhanced. Annoyingly I don't have gameplay videos but these images I've attached do clearly show it's at tier 3, tier 3 enhanced perks have worked but there's still the red corners around the tier 2 perk saying that it can be enhanced. If I was to have a guess, I'm betting on the general stability of the servers at the time causing this which can't be helped but still wanted to make devs aware of this bugged gun to see if it's not just me and a fix can be looked into? I've had to upload the screenshots to google drive but should be accessible through the links [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url][/quote] I have the EXACT same issue on the same gun. Would love to see a fix.