Was wondering if anyone ran into this issue and found a solution to it. I recently installed Destiny 2 through the Microsoft Store so that I could login to my original Xbox account I played Destiny 1 with. I read that all eligible accounts went through an automatic transfer of account and character data back in 2017. When I booted up Destiny 2, it showed me all the memories I made back in Destiny 1, but for some reason, my pre-customized guardians from the original game were not there. In the memory slide show, it included what classes I used so my character data must exist somewhere, right?
[Update] I may be wrong about this and I do hope I am, but I believe my Destiny 1 characters did transfer to Destiny 2, but were deleted as the new starting level for guardians in the game is level 20. Maybe because they were level 1, Bungie wiped them instead of updating them?