Honestly I feel lied to. Episodes were meant to replace seasons, but they LITERALLY function the same. Play for a week, get the thing or the random new currency, use it, listen to comms between characters, wait another -blam!- week until you can progress. THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE PROBLEM, BUNGIE. How long must we complain before you actually make a change? -blam!- you were doing so good with the DLC and now we're back to the same layout we've LITERALLY had for years now. The only thing you've changed is the name.
Edit: When a company does something wrong and the first thing you do is try to blame the buyer, that's when you know you've been brainwashed to be free damage control. If they get free, dedicated defenders, that means they can keep doing the same thing over and over no matter how egregious it is.
Big fan of the new archetypes in the seasonal weapons. Not a fan of the activity, but it's easy to not have to play a lot of it
Honest question… what are people expecting episodes or seasons to give you that it doesn’t already give? There are tons of weapons(some with random rolls to be farmed and enhanced and some to craft), varied activities with mechanics and challenge (Enigma Protocol is hella hard underleveled… and will probably interate in the coming weeks)… This always comes back to “people” having unrealistic expectations on the amount of content that is feasible for the cost or cadence of release.
The cadence seems different though
Really? What did you expect.
Edited by Zodleon: 6/18/2024 2:04:46 AMZodleon
going back to our grave in russia - old
Did you think that episodes, a content distribution model meant to give content in 3 chunks over the course of a year, was not like the seasonal model, a content distribution model designed to give you content in 4 chunks throughout the year? Because that's totally what I thought it was gong to be seasons 2.0 Look, bungie does some crappy things, I think you just lacked critical thinking on this one. -
Edited by Loy310: 6/12/2024 11:17:40 AMAm i crazy for thinking that this season is season of the splicers all over again. Come to think of it without a big bad the game feels dead now lore wise. Whats the point going forward? I feel like this will be a dead game in a year. GTA6 is gonna put this in the dirt.
Edited by reenry: 6/18/2024 1:12:51 AMSo far yeah. But it seems like we are getting more activities and harder content, and two more pages in the artifacts. So theoretically they should have wayy more content than a season. Im going to give the first episode a whirl since its free with FS and then give thoughts. It also sucks since the most interesting to be is episode 3 and the other interesting one is 2. We had to start out with vex. The only thing that really sucked about Witness focus is it just screwed the vex as a race. They just arent threatening to me. But who knows. Ill be surprised
They rebranded seasons as episodes to highlight they are self contained stories and because the annual pass now has 3 seasons/episodes instead of 4. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s very little difference — people were predicting this long before the new season dropped.
Edited by Kalyx triaD: 6/11/2024 11:33:31 PMWe told you they were just seasons. Everything Bungie said was essentially describing seasons. I can not believe there are players who have no kind of discernment about marketing. I can't believe it. Y'all have to be better when expense is in play.
Yep. It’s the same pig with a shade of lipstick on it. It’s still a pig.
Yeah this is so stupid, and battle pass lock on progress 100
Yeah, ya didn’t figure that out before hand?
It's early but yeah huge agree on this so far. It's seasons just with delayed activities. Remember each season has usually brought us 2 major activities...it's just now delayed
Yes. Slightly longer, seem slightly better (but time will tell). And?
Why were any of you goons thinking it was going to be different? What about this seemed like it was going to be a massive shake-up with the model in any way? Y'all are the perfect marks for Bungie, easily able to fall for the hype so you pre-order everything because you believe their marketing. That's on you.
Why do you people continue to play? Like there’s no way in hell you guys are having fun by the way you talk on here just uninstall and move on my god.
How did you not realise before?
I don't know why you thought it would be different from seasons.
TFS is nothing but lies & manipulation from Bungie
Not the same episodes are four months long lol
Edited by K1NG G 144: 6/12/2024 7:53:08 PMHow many “missions” came out this week?
I had hopes it would be different however, the lack of information on exactly what the difference would be from seasons to episodes, besides the very obvious 3 instead of 4 per year.. told me what I needed to know. They are realistically identical.
Yep it's just seasons with extra steps. Actually, no extra steps other than deleting the word "Season" and replacing it with "Episode"
Yeah. Did it once, it's the same -blam!-. Then saw that I need a mic to get a class item. Peaced out. Got scammed hard with this dlc.