As my headline says, I would like to see my account evenly through all platforms. Like if in my account I purchased a premium product through eververse or PSN or Xbox live store, and my Bungie account detects it, I should be able to play with these purchases on PC as well. Reason why I say this is because right now all my main purchases are an Xbox live and Xbox live sign is down at the moment.. so I jumped on PC to play on my account instead and I noticed everything I purchased is still behind the paywall. I just don’t wish to pay for the same product twice.
I am an annual pass holder on Xbox, and if my character is equipped with a season pass piece of gear or weapon I could play with it on PC but if I want to switch it out, it won’t let me switch back to it and it says I need to purchase it when I already have purchased it on another platform. So the Bungie servers know I own the product, but for some reason, it won’t let me play with it cross platform..
Sony owns Bungles Azz ! No Fn way will Sony allow cross platform anything ! lol