Howdy gardeans, Are you tired of joining clans and not being able to play with them or people not being active? Big clan full of members but only 1/4 of them actually playing? Tired of hoping that the LFG is not toxic or going to kick you before you get the rewards? Newer player or experienced player thats looking for chill players to have fun in the game?
Me and my bud are starting a 12 max player clan, we havent set the clan up yet but I just wanted to send out the beacon for the right people to find us. We are old farts with families and such but play everyday. Only requirements will be use discord, play around the same times (if you no life play the game thats fine but join the clan for activities), be willing to learn if you are new and have fun playing.
Quickest response would be to message me on discord, beckhamNcheez, if you want to just play and not join clan, thats also acceptable. I enjoy helping people complete activities so dont worry about not knowing what to do. We are mostly pve focused but sometimes I'll jump into some crucible. I only go into Gambit if a bounty requires it so dont ask lol joking as playing gambit with buds is a fun time.
We are accepting of all walks of life so judgment free zone. Look forward to meeting you and you and also you.