Celebration alert. With a full year of struggling to maintain a workout regimen, engaging in some sort of activity every day whether it's a walk, jog, lifting, hiking, adding fiber and vitamin A supplements and keeping my daily caloric intake of around or under 2000 per day. I have managed to lose a wopping 44lbs and 8 inches off my waistline in one year at 35 years old. I have also built more muscle, and I am feeling better than ever.
Goal weight is 225 and I'm at 237, once I get below that- I'll be right in the sweet spot to do my first Tandem skydive, so I better start saving up.
So today, instead of the hidden fee of 1/1000th of your soul per slice; it's on the house in celebration of my achievement. ENJOY! 😋 🍕
Azura, Pronouns Haver
Sorceress of Crustania - old
Congratulations! Also, I’m glad you’re giving this away for free, I don’t have much soul left to give 🍕