I am begging you, please bring back Destiny 1's final raid. It was an absolute blast! For those who may not know or remember, this was Destiny 1's final raid, released during the Rise of Iron expansion, where Guardians were pitted against the SIVA-enhanced House of Devils Fallen, set in the backdrop of a winter apocalypse in the Cosmodrome.
This was one of the shorter raids, which I actually think is a benefit, as it could help introduce Guardians who have never done raids before, and ease them into simpler mechanics, while still giving them a taste for what will be expected of them during much harder raids.
Not only was the raid an absolute blast, but it also included great armor sets (non-enhanced and enhanced variants alike), my absolute favorite raid ship of all time (Nanophoenix) - which added a wicked SIVA effect onto Destiny 1's very first ship, and some decent weapons (although, I would have preferred that they looked more SIVA infected).
There are a few problems that I already forsee making this a much more difficult raid to transfer over: 1) the splicer Fallen, which do not exist anywhere else in Destiny 2, 2) the snow effect of the Cosmodrome, which was unique to this expansion, and 3) the raid exotic already exists, thanks to the Zero Hour dungeon/mission (i.e., Outbreak Perfected, originally Outbreak Prime).
I understand especially the second and third points, but the first point seems like a great opportunity for Bungie to reconsider re-introducing spliced enemies back into Destiny... and not only as Fallen, but with other enemy factions as well, such as Scorn, Hive, Vex, Cabal, Dread, and perhaps even Taken. If the only counterpoint for doing this is that - spoiler - the Archon Priest is dead, then my response is: So what? Bungie has come up with some excuse to bring back every other faction, despite: 1) destroying the Black Heart in vanilla Destiny 1 (bye-bye, Vex), 2) killing Oryx, The Taken King (bye-bye Taken), 3) defeating Fikrul in Forsaken (bye-bye, Scorn), and 4) slaying The Witness (bye-bye Dread). Now, I understand that there is a lore reason/excuse why each of these factions exist in the game... but that isn't my point; my point is that Bungie has an excuse why every other faction can exist EXCEPT the splicers, and that freaking sucks, especially given the popularity of the faction during and after Rise of Iron.
But, to return to the discussion of the exotic conundrum, Bungie did mention that they would be willing to create a brand new exotic for a returning raid if it did not have one. Here is the quote: "One other thing, and this hasn't come up yet, but in the event that a raid didn't have an Exotic (or that Exotic has already come back), or there were fewer than five Legendaries, we get to make new weapons to match the raid." (The link: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/51813 - credit for finding this quote comes from Reddit user: u/SgtPepper212.) So, my point is that Bungie, themselves, promised that having to make a new raid weapon is what they would do in a situation exactly like this.
So, Bungie, please, please bring back The Wrath of the Machine raid... and, also, maybe SIVA?
If they bring it back they'll only ruin it by adding overly complicated mechanics like they have with the most recent raid 🤦♂️