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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
8/28/2024 4:04:19 AM

ACT 3 Echoes - This is Daul Destiny all over again

This is as disappointing as Daul Destiny. I got all the way to end the end solo and the game soft locked and now I can't complete it. I'm a dad, a husband and I go to work. I don't have that much spare time. This is definitely forced for players who have more time on their hands. I spent the £80-90 for the Annual Pass and this is what I get in return? A mission that is soooooooo long and dragged out, 90% platform and puzzles, then 10% shooting + A boss that has a terrible bug that forces the player to die again and again and again because the weak spot doesn't spawn in. I don't even have a meta build to reduce its health fast because I'm more of a casual + story driven player. I swear once this year is over with and The final shape + it's "episodes" are done I won't be coming back to D2. I'm only playing it at this point for the money I put in. No wonder The Final Shape did worst than Lightfall. Good Luck with Marathon.

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  • Your lifestyle should not be a determinate of the game. In otherwords, play another game if you don’t have the time for Destiny. It’s punishing, but you can’t expect a game to cater to your every need, and rather, you should instead find a game that already does so. It’s gatekeeping sure, but at the same time, blame yourself and not the game for not having time.

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