This is as disappointing as Daul Destiny. I got all the way to end the end solo and the game soft locked and now I can't complete it.
I'm a dad, a husband and I go to work. I don't have that much spare time. This is definitely forced for players who have more time on their hands. I spent the £80-90 for the Annual Pass and this is what I get in return? A mission that is soooooooo long and dragged out, 90% platform and puzzles, then 10% shooting + A boss that has a terrible bug that forces the player to die again and again and again because the weak spot doesn't spawn in. I don't even have a meta build to reduce its health fast because I'm more of a casual + story driven player.
I swear once this year is over with and The final shape + it's "episodes" are done I won't be coming back to D2. I'm only playing it at this point for the money I put in.
No wonder The Final Shape did worst than Lightfall. Good Luck with Marathon.
I’m also a solo player and it’s definitely not as disappointing as Dual (which is literally unplayable solo) this CAN be done solo, and the boss (when not bugged) is super easy. The hardest part of this mission is probably the tormentor and subjugator team but even that you can lure the tormentor and fight it by itself. It took me 3 hours, which stinks, it needs checkpoints for sure, but its so far from “disappointing” like dual destiny