My first post, apologies in advance for any errors.
While a good few of you are calling for a hard reset (such as a Destiny 3), it isn’t the best idea. Realistically, a Destiny 3 would divide the player base even further than it already is by way of removing nearly half a decade’s worth of content, collections, feats, and accolades. Not only would the upper echelons of guardians most likely move on to other titles, the everyday Steve would very likely not want to put up with having to start from square one and work their way back up to where they were.
While starting from scratch could have its benefits (potential engine update*, old bugs happening to be fixed by way of starting from scratch**, and possibly dropping old-generation consoles.) who’s to say that all of the bugs and glitches that we’ve dealt with for so long won’t return?
I believe that the best solution is to stay with Destiny 2, rather than making a new installment.
If they were to drip-feed (stay with me) us quality (stay with me) content over an extended period of time, it could give them the time they need to fully address some of the more pressing issues, such as the dreaded missing character model bug. Another good idea could be a page, be it on the internet or in-game, that explains many different important concepts (the mod system, buildcrafting, and how to pass the ball within “The Corrupted”.) that a new light would most likely need to know.
TL;DR for all of you who don’t care to read that much (can’t blame you):
While a Destiny 3 may seem like a great idea, its cons would outweigh its pros.
*I haven’t the foggiest how this works
**we all know that they would most likely reuse code from D2, causing similar issues to what we’re facing now to arise
Feel free to share your thoughts, discuss, and contemplate whatever you choose.
Edit 1: This will most likely be edited later on as I discover small mistakes I’ve made.
Edited by Joulevette12: 9/5/2024 6:45:11 PMIf they ever do a D3 or a Destiny rewrite in the future I want them to go back to their previous artwork design from D1 it had alot darker tone to it and you felt the weight that they was in a apocalyptic world a Dark Sci-fi fantasy while D2 just feels just feels like a Sci-fi Fantasy
The problem is Bungie as a team has alienated a large portion of the players. From not fixing bugs to cheap AI written storytelling. D3 would have worked. Now I struggle to see the talent with creative drive to give us a coherent and enjoyable story and more importantly improvements to gameplay. Keep telling myself it has to improve. Paid in full for season. But my hope is quickly turning bitter.
Edited by Ogma: Destroyer of Worlds: 9/4/2024 7:04:06 PMOgma: Destroyer of Worlds
Pursue happiness with diligence. - old
It seems like enough people want this but if that happens, I’m done. Both vanilla launches were not good, I’d hate to see that again. D3 would just be another reissuing of everything we’ve already gotten and had reissued. Half the loot would be reissued stuff or the same things with a different skin. I’m not t a collection all over again. That being said, Frontiers really needs to change up the formula or I will also be done. The game has been far too samey for far too long. Episodes are just worse feeling seasons with more time gates AND time gated weapons if Echoes is any indication of this new model. The rumors about small content drops with little to no story are very unappealing to me. They really need to out together some kind of roadmap showcase or something. The uncertainty is killing people’s desire to continue at this point. -
How much maintenance/ downtime would they need to fix EVERYTHING in D2? All bugs, all glitches, all bad or old code, putting it on a dedicated server, moving it to a NEW engine, making sure all error codes were taken care of, and possibly moving the technology away from old gen consoles. We saw maintenance downtime for TFS be 27 hours. It then launched with a ton of bugs and made it unplayable, for I believe another day after launch. Now think about everything that doesn’t work correctly getting fixed, how much maintenance/ downtime is actually needed? Would D2 players support this game if it had to be turned completely off for more than 48 hours? What if it was : a month completely off, or 4 months, or 8 month, or a year? Like what’s the actual timeframe players would chili, let them do maintenance on everything, and still be willing to come back? Everything gets to a point where fixing it becomes too expensive and time consuming. We are probably at that point with D2. It’s a 7 year old game tomorrow. It’s probably cheaper and less time consuming to make a D3 from scratch, then fix everything in D2. IMO, if D3 happens, it will probably be under Sony management, if not full team. It would also have to be completely new armor and weapons, to give people a reason to chase after them vs grinding all the same stuff again.
Amen. This reset nonsense is just that. They said we aren't getting D3. So when the rest of the community wants to wake up and say what they would like to see in D2, maybe we can come up with interesting stuff we'd like to see.
Do you even know what you’re saying “Stick with Destiny 2” We’ve been fed the same boring events since launch (Well no, they’ve actually gotten much worse) The same guns based off of green and blue weapons for years now with perks that barely changed/do anything Armor sets that are absolutely horrible looking, few examples are the seasonal sets and the new raid set (yikes) Having seals instead of rewards that benefit your gameplay The worst and I mean the absolute worst “cash shop” I’ve seen , how can a company with so many employees and such budgets design SUCH UGLY ornaments. I know everything is a taste but bungie has no taste, D1 had cool armor sets and D2 is what I feel like and has been just trying random -blam!- out to see if it scores. Also endless waves of sparrows noone gives a -blam!- about. The only thing worthwhile are the weapon ornaments but those aren’t special either as they release for bright dust a few weeks later The same strikes for years ; we have a so called endgame and it’s gm’s, master raids and expert versions of things. This is no endgame, it’s the same -blam!- but slightly harder with guaranteed adept loot. Adept loot that besides the name offers almost nothing extra compared to normal loot. Which brings me to my next point The whole game is about achievements, bragging. Its not about collecting cool guns from a real endgame grind, no, this is a dad rifle simulator with the HEAVIEST aim assist of any shooter on the market. You think its honorable to have went flawless so many times on roller with a stacked team and meta loadout? Bros be hitting headshots while aiming 2 meters next to heads. Or that you learned the mechanics to a raid which takes about 30 minutes and can now run said raid? People here think that’s so special. There is 0 skill involved in the actual gunplay. There is nothing hard about Destiny 2, it’s all a big checklist to mark off that costs huge amounts of time. Then the guns, or again, while they’re mostly based off of green guns they also do the exact same damage green guns do. Except for exotics they do 40% more… to redbars!!! Innovation!!!! I could go on and on, but this whole game looks and feels so good while everything above just ruins it completely. It’s as if they went to Bungie *puts on tinfoil hat* and said “guys, this stuff is too good, make it so that its a huge meaningless unrewarding grind. Let them not be truly happy. All loot must be mediocre and mediocre looking”
Edited by Salty-47: 9/5/2024 2:57:10 AMI feel like if there ever is a d3, it needs to be completely separated from where destiny is currently. Have be outside the solar system with new characters and new gear. As you said, no one wants to essentially reearn everything they already had, so unless it was completely disconnected from d1 and d2 aside from some minor parts, it probably wouldn't either work well or even generate anyone wanting to pre-order it to play it. They should also make it have some form of time skip from where the last episode they do ends. And having it made with all new characters, both npc and player, they would not only need to write new stories for the npcs, but they could also introduce both new player character races and/or new abilities and classes. I also think leaning more into MMO rpg character building would benefit it more, too.
bungie and sony have already stated there's not going to be a destiny 3
My brain says a hard reset is totally the answer. Lol
"If they were to drip-feed (stay with me) us quality (stay with me) content over an extended period of time, it could give them the time they need to fully address some of the more pressing issues" Is this not what they are currently attempting to do? lol
I don't even understand why this is something we're talking about. B never suggested D3 was in the making. On the contrary.
For a long term player it isn’t the perfect solution, but it’s the inevitable path forward for this franchise. If Marathon somehow manages to become a financial success I’d expect the lessened pressure on Destiny to keep Bungie afloat might motivate them to start development. Why you might ask? The Destiny player base is stagnant and players are leaving for one reason or another with few new additions. They can smooth onboarding as much as they like, but that’s a very hard sell to the wider public. A new game however gets better eyes and would attract interest from people who’ve never played Destiny before.
Currently my "hard reset" is to play other games. I want a D3 but not if it's released by Bungie, at least not the Bungie as it is today and has been for the last 10 years. The next step from Sony is more likely a Destiny TV show or Movie. Hopefully a Destiny mini-series that's good enough to get people to want to play a game in the Destiny universe again. Too many current D2 players don't realize just how toxic the Bungie/Destiny brand is to many gamers. Millions of bridges have been burned and word of mouth is highly negative. Ideally, I'd like to see a new studio formed by Sony get a crack at D3 in a couple of years. Once Bungie is nothing but a bad memory.
Edited by Mark, Scholar of Stars: 9/4/2024 6:17:29 PMNo offense, but it's naive to wish for Destiny 3, because Bungie can't even more hold 2 together, with a player decrease of almost 70%. They outlined their plans for future content - which will be like "Into the Light", but not even with a storyline. There will be no more major expansions, for incalculable time, like they did with The Final Shape and before. Bungie had trouble for years, and now Sony did a takeover, and removed their autonomy of decision. You just have to Google to see what's going on. Everything else is "make a wish".
Nope. Give me a new title with a clean wipe and put some of the toothpaste back in the tube. The pros FAR outweigh any cons.