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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
9/24/2024 7:27:34 PM

The Legend title is so bad: it's offensive.

I agree, it's Terrible.


Not Bothered


I disagree, it's great.


Without a doubt, the legend title is as bad a mistake as the Lightfall story, I feel sick looking at it. I’ve accidentally done some of the requirements and picked up the armour because: why not, but I’ve 0 interest in it any further than that. The wasted opportunity here is of ABSOLUTELY EPIC proportions. I mean, it’s staggering how Bungie missed the mark here, as if they were facing directly away from their intended target. The title is Legend. Legend… a Legend of Destiny, celebrating 10 years of our favourite game, friendships made, memories, laughs, and unforgettable moments. Legend. Wasn’t ‘become legend’ the tag line? Well, here we are: we can now have the title, and I couldn’t care less. Because I don’t want it? Hell, no! I was excited to hear that there was a celebration of 10 years of my favourite game, I was excited to get a title for it and was actually looking forward to seeing the requirements. I was expecting to see nostalgia, so... what impressive and exciting feats are required? 1. Pick up armour. ok, it's classic. 2. Pick up ornaments. Not a challenge, but ok... 3. Do the 4 timeline missions. Already dine, so fine... tiny bit nostalgic, I suppose. 4. Grind playlist activities wearing the armour. WTF... Why? I've done a thousand playlist activities... 5. Achieve Guardian Justiciar rank… I dunno, 8, is it? That's legend status? Really...? 6. Decrypt 10 engrams. What? Decrypt engrams... yep: That's the stuff of Legend. 7. Oh yes, here we go… sit in a patrol space for hours and farm legendary random drops from patrol level enemies. Are you kidding me?! THIS? This is part of how I show I'm a Legend?! How is this real? This is how we celebrate 10 years of Destiny! ARE YOU SERIOUS, BUNGIE? It is an absolute disgrace. This is how we celebrate 10 years of memories? This? Destiny players love a bit of nostalgia, when I heard Xur was selling Gjallarhorn I laughed because it’s a great way to throwback to D1 when we got it for the first time. I liked getting the old tower back (sort of) in TFS, Cayde coming back for a bit, when we got VOG and Crota back… the list goes on. We need the new stuff, but we’ll always talk about the things we miss from before. What I’m confused about is how Bungie screwed this up so badly, and why no-one is talking about it… The list above is honestly acceptable? Especially 7… WTF even is that? Look how simple it is: 1. Pick up armour and ornaments from the old tower. Fine, but make it 1 achievement. 2. Complete all Timeline missions - wearing armour and with friends - yeah, ok, I suppose. 3. Complete 2 old raids using D1 Reprised weapons and using light based subclasses only (as available in D1) 4. Complete 2 new raids wearing the armour using D2 only weapons. 5. Complete a GM in classic armour using reprised D1 Weapons and light subclasses 6. Complete a Dungeon in classic armour. With reprised D1 weapons and light subclasses 7. Maybe a little patrol activity in the cosmodrome, I suppose, but absolutely NOTHING like the requirement they’ve put in. 8. Guardian rank 10, definitely. It’s called Legend. Be a legend or don’t. 9. Retroactive list: 5 raids total, 5 dungeons total. 5 GM’s total, 20 Strikes, 20 Crucible matches, 10 Gambit matches, 5 Trials matches, 30 Story missions. 10. Minimum 50% of all exotics available and at least 300 items in your vault. It's historic, it's Legend. That doesn't happen overnight... You've been creating your Legend for a while, or you weren't, and not everyone should be able to get this title. That’s literally off the top of my head, mid rant. Imagine… just imagine where 5 minutes of thought could take you. Imagine if they asked the community what makes a Destiny Legend? Imagine if they actually tried... I believe that this is a good example of what makes a Destiny Legend. Nothing too hard, not for a Legend of Destiny. It’s nothing for someone deserving of the title. Most is done for the majority of us who actually are Destiny Legends. But… The casuals want it. The ones who aren’t Destiny Legends, because they haven't put the time in. Just like they wanted leviathan loot without doing the raid itself in D2 Vanilla. Just like they wanted more Exotics and now they have absolutely no value at all. Just like they were jealous of those of us who had grinded the game for years to accrue thousands of legendary shards and were resource rich for our efforts, so they had to go… Why TF do we have to care what casuals want? You put the time in, you get the rewards. If you don’t then you don’t. I wouldn’t play another game, put no time into it and complain that experienced platters had more than me… who does that? It’s just a rant at the end of the day, but one worthy of sharing, I thought… In conclusion: Bungie failed here. They failed hard. What do you think?

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  • the only reason they couldn't do guardian rank higher than that is because it would be locked behind a season, so they just decided to put the armor in the pale heart, to lock it within the dlc

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