[i]Where the pomegranates grooow!
Back to my hooome!
I dare not gooo!
For if I dooo!
My mother will saaay![/i]
[spoiler]All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness grows within it, consumes it, such is its nature. Sooner or later, every heart will return to the darkness whence it came!
For you see darkness is the heart’s TRUE essence![/spoiler]
[i]Down by the baaay![/i]
The looooo veliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gaaaay The glory that was Roooooome is of a notherrrr daaaaay I’ve been terribly aloooooone and forgotten in Manhattannnnnn I’m going hooooome to my cityyyyy byyyyyy theeeeee baaaaaaaaaay I left myyyyyyyyyy heaaaaaaart in San Frannnnnnn ciscooooooo High on a hilllllllllllll it caaaalls to meeeeee To be where little cable caaaaaaars climb halfway to the staaaaaars The morning fooooooooog may chillll the aaaaaair I don’t caaare My love waaaaits theeeeeeeere in San Fraaaaan ciscooo Above the bluuuuuuue and windy seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea WHEN I COME HOOOOOOOME TOYOUUUUUU, SAN FRANCISCOOOoooooo your golden SUUUUUUNNNNNNN WILLL SHIIIIINE FORRRRRRRRRRR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE