Ascension should work with mods. Both should refund melee or reload your weapons based on your equipped dodge. Ascension should work with HOIL on the class item. On arc hunter you can get back ascension in 8 seconds if built correctly so uptime isn't an issue either, RDMs when they worked with it didn't "break the game" so what is the deal?
Threaded Specter, Winters Shroud, and Vanishing Step don't have any of these problems and fit into their respective subclasses without restricting build crafting. The fact that they don't count as a class ability yet use a class ability charge is arbitrary and stupid. Imagine if placing down an arc soul rift didn't heal you anymore because of the aspect. Sounds dumb right?
It wouldn't be an issue in PvP nor would it make the abilities broken in PvE so why are they restricted like they would cause issues?
I genuinely don't understand.
Wait? Did Ensnaring Slam break? It used to count as a Class Ability use for mods. Meaning it would trigger reaper Dynamo etc. that sucks if it bugged out…