On May 25, 2004, Off Topic (then known as The Flood) was created to help foster our community. Throughout the years, Off Topic has been vitally important to, creating the worst forum for the website. However, for the past decade, Off Topic usage has slowly been decreasing, to the point where we believe it’s time to say goodbye to it.
Within the past six months, out of the 5.1-million users that have been created, only 65 were active with at least one post from them. Breaking that down further, only 16 were active in the past month, 10 of those had over 10 posts, and only 3 broke over 100 posts.
This decision did not come lightly, and we’ve been postponing it for several years. But with our website’s future hosting multiple IPs, we must upgrade and begin the process of shutting down older features that no longer see usage.
Over the next few months, Off Topic will be set to read-only, to allow users to view topics they are a part of and save their memories before we fully shut them down. We don’t currently have a firm timeline yet, but once we do, we’ll let you know.
Edited by Swat The Bot: 10/29/2024 2:41:14 PMSwat The Bot
Bungie fan. Check my About Me section. - old
Don’t get my hopes up EDIT: *Notices a reply* [quote]The post you were expecting to see has been moderated/removed.[/quote] Damn. That's the first time I've ever seen a moderator take action against someone saying something rude to me.