Fusion rifles are slowly becoming a problem where they don't really have some sort of "skill" check. Snipers have an accuracy check, shotguns have a movement check, and grenade launchers have a map knowledge/prediction check. Fusion rifles feel like they just blast and kill. I believe that Fusion should return to their original state that they were in Destiny 1.
Back during Destiny 1, Fusion rifles were projectile based, and the range stat effected the velocity of your bolts. After the shenanigans of D1 Pocket Infinity, they remained in a good but not overpowered state. Then we get to Destiny 2. With the double primary loadouts, Fusion rifles were moved to a Heavy slot and were made hit scan to compensate for the change in slots. Since Forsaken and we've been given the special weapons back, fusions haven't received any major tuning. Shotguns have had their range reduced a few times (and their pellet spread messed around a couple of times), snipers have had their aim assist/bullet magnetism adjusted. Heck, even breach loaded grenade launchers have had their share of adjustments to compensate for their movement into the special slot. Fusion rifles haven't had this, they've had the effectiveness of a few perks reduced but apart from that, they've actually only been buffed. I know some people are going to mention that rapid fire fusions were moved from 7 bolts to 12 bolts and high impacts were moved from 7 bolts to 5 bolts, in a burst, but this has only made them stronger in their role.
I believe changing Fusion rifles to projectile base will help balance this weapon type out in PvP and leave it unaffected in PvE, even though I don't really see people using fusions in end game content anyway. Adjusting the range stat to be velocity instead will make them easier to balance where you can specifically tune each archetype with their intended range. It will also add a tracking and prediction skill check at longer ranges. It will also mean that players can counter fusions with good movement.
Range of course would still be a stat for fusion rifles but they will be fixed like rapid fires would have like 20 or 30 range whilst high impacts and precision frames can get closer to the higher 80 or 90 stats.
hmu for pms - old
Yeah i have been saying this for ages. Any 0.01 kd bot can put on a fusion and botwalk around while edging it and instantly put so much pressure on you. All these fusion crutchers try to spin it like their crutch is balanced and takes skill. What a joke. If you want to see what real skill looks like go watch a scrimm. -
Cry , even though shot guns can kill you at the same distance. Quicker to fire and have more use. But yet fusions are the problem. The new plug one is the best of its type and hardly anyone uses it. The gos fusion is the best of its type and hardly anyone uses it. Mean while new shot guns come out every season with the best perks but fusions are somehow the problem? You say bots use fusions but yet an argument can be made base on the bot population that 99% use shotguns. So if you happen to die by that 1% then that’s sad.
Preach. Been saying this same thing. Hard to say anything in this forum though they’re all mainly PVE players who main pulses n fusions or mayhem
People suggested this in 2018, didn't happen. Absolutely not happening now that they game is nearly dead and it's a skeleton crew of the people left at Bungie working on it
If anything bungie should do rn is to remove pvp. They dont have enough resources to even support the seasons anymore.
LOL Note your complete free pass to the MASSIVE problem of the overuse of Shotguns. Oh the great "movement skill" in the EASIEST free OHK in the whole game. Whilst Shotgun got a global pellet consistency buff, Fusion pellets spread is still random. You also have to estimate where any target will be in the future. You have to pre charge or wait a delay. Shotguns also have had Opening Shot the whole time and now Closing Time too. Whilst there's a temporary increase in Fusion usage with the addition of Closing Time, they haven't even begun to correct the imbalance between them.
Fusions been a problem since forsaken lol
Edited by Lich: 11/21/2024 5:07:59 PMAt this point it's a skill issue thing countering autobots and arbalest users! Fusions are hilarious counters to predictable playstyles!
Saladin's Vigil would disagree with you that they were "balanced" in D1. And you want a projectile fusion rifle? I present to you: Jotuun. Make them all like that, and then we can talk about changing how they work. The risk/reward is as it should be.
Another shotgun main mad because a “skilled” fusion runner is out playing the one button win slide shotgun abuser. Fusions are extremely limited in this sandbox so if you put yourself in that tiny range bracket it’s on you.
Fusions and shotguns need adjusting. Since they play non-stop Collision in Comp, the entire teams of hunters camp the zones with fusion or shotgun.
They are fine.. They have a charge up time and play a loud sound when doing that... if anything they need restoring to how there were back in the erentil era... that was some good space magic!
Tell that to my Xur Ingredient with 7500 crucible kills, you need to pre-fire you know...if you charge in front of players, you get destroyed by shotties, sub-machines melt you it flinch you out of your mind, dont get it mistaken with Jotum...thats a 1 press kill gun.
And somehow in the chaos of all this the Vex Mythoclast will get hit hard with a nerf.
The thing with Fusion Rifles is that, historically, issues caused by them have more often than not been one weapon, rather than the whole weapon type. Erentil, Main Ingredient, Likely Suspect, Iterative Loop (with Antaeus Wards), I'm sure it won't be long before people start throwing Plug One into that group. These have been weapons that were solely responsible for getting perks nerfed. By contrast, there have been any number of Shotguns and Snipers throughout the game that have all been good simultaneously. There's always going to be, by definition, a best item and a best roll that sees the most use, but you can use anything decent in times when the whole class is good. Since Final Shape launched, there hasn't been a single Trials week where Fusion were used more than Shotguns, it was rarely even close. The community doesn't avoid using overpowered items, and will always gravitate towards what is best. I think your take on "checks" is a bit dismissive of how Fusions work. The Shotgun movement skill is often just rushing in a straight line and getting there faster than a primary TTK with the occasional swerve thrown in. Snipers have an initial accuracy check but the chance is gone if you take even a slight amount of damage, so it has to be done before a fight even starts. Fusions reward positioning and tracking, and leading your engagements - baiting the opponent into a situation that's more favourable for you. To be clear, I don't think [i]any[/i] of these take that much skill to pull off, but it's certainly not right to say that only one of them takes none at all.
I always find it funny when people complain about fusions when shotguns always have double or triple the amount of kills. For example on trials report Shotguns: 818,529 Fusions: 456,718 And on destiny tracker for instance there is finally a fusion in the top 20 weapons after weeks with no fusion with plug 1 finally coming out And there are 7 shotguns in the top 20. If fusions were so strong no skill weapons giving free kills the usage would obviously be higher.
Could you tell us, as a professional nerf herder, what it takes to go pro?
I prefer to think of fusion rifles as an obstacle course for sweats. Can't kill me with your shotgun? Git gud scrub. 🤪
The fact you don't count charge timing has a skill shows your bias This is just another "Nerf weapons I don't like" post Bad news for you though. Bungie nerfs on usage stats alone , and surprisingly no one is using these amazingly overpowered weapons, 90% of PvP players use instant win buttons(aka Shotguns) How are those under pressure closing time plug one adepts feeling btw 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂
This screams “anything jeopardizes my playstyle is toxic and deserves to be nerfed.” Exactly how snipers have been ruined. Anyone who’s used fusions for more than five minutes is aware of the flaws they have (namely being unable to trade the same way you can with literally any other gun because once you die, your fusion bolts can literally just disappear even if you were on-track to hit all of them on the target). Not everything should conform to your playstyle.
Edited by jpavo1: 11/20/2024 5:15:39 AMAh, yes. I can't run in a straight line with a shotgun and get free kills so I have to screech for nerfs
No. They're no cheesier than shotguns (which are more heavily used by the way)
Edited by Kiro - 13: 11/20/2024 7:10:23 PMThey will as zealots reward has greater effective range then adaptive fusions. When a rapid fire frame of an arctype has more effective range then its harder hitting longer range counter parts you can be sure it will catch a nerf. It just a matter of when. Even if you think fusions are fine that is a clear outlier. Likely a change to closing time, damn shame too. As the perk is not causing other weapons to perform outside their parameters, just making them feel for more snappy/clean.
The choas that it creates its amazing... [spoiler]incoming telesto shots[/spoiler]
They're fine -Sincerely Fusion/pulse main