Is there a chance accounts have individual item drop percentages applied and they are not a set chance across the board for the player base? How is it I have finished VOG 60 times with no Vex drop? (yes usually the Atheon farm) How is it I have the same play throughs in Warlords Ruin as someone I play with regularly and they have had 5 Buried Bloodlines drop? How is it I have yet to receive Hierarchy of Needs from Spire of the Watcher while others from my group have had it drop multiple times? I am aware of the exotic boosters and yes could do with completing some of those but what of the other players that also have not completed the triumphs but still have the rewards dropping? What is the deal with not even receiving the recent Iron Banner memento when it was a "guaranteed" drop, I literally did not get any mementos during the recent event. How is it I have been able to complete the 2024 Dawning...nearly twice due to the quest bugs...complete the event card (that I purchased fair and square), guild the title and open 30+ gifts only to receive one of the emblems while others I play with already have all 3 after only opening a handful of gifts in return? I have been playing a long time and am starting to think there is something behind long term players or those doling out cash having very low chances of items dropping, this idea based on the recent discoveries on loot drop errors. I am not asking for items to drop every time, I am happy getting a reward every so often, I just wonder if we are all on a level playing field.
Keep trying 🐹🛞