I have been in the game almost since the start and from day one, and have noticed that players have been complaining about the the Stingy Bungie RNG god since the beginning. I would say it's one of the most detested parts of the game so I could not believe my eyes when someone had written there was 'Joy' when the RNG god smiled and you got something useful, what utter crap. WE should be going in the exact opposite direction, players want predictability then they will grind.
Each non exotic weapon should be completely empty and perk slots filled at the players discretion.
Yes have a hierarchy of attainability ie perk A(basic) cost x, Perk B 2x, god roll perks 8x. Alternatively or plus have the pathfinder matrix offer dual rewards ie pinnacle or god roll perk each week
going back to our grave in russia - 1/10/2025 10:22:57 PM
Dude players have been complaining about A[u][b]everything[/b][/u] since day one, too much rng, too little rng, not enough complexity, too much complexity, timers are good, timers are bad, ect, ect, ect, ect. You cannot generalize this -blam!- community because it's one of the most divided out there, if you like something half the community doesn't and vice versa. To claim the "community" wants something is a "appeal to the masses" fallacy by default here at worst, and selective hearing at best, trying to make your point seem more valid.