Does anyone recall when if you wanted something to be really really good you actually had to push your own limits and boundaries, including if it means you have to give something up?
Cause I feel like this company does not do that, they give themselves so much time but it feels like they put the bare minimum into it and say “that’s good” and ship it out, anyone wanna take bets when the original members of bungie made halo and put their hearts and souls into it even if it late nights just to make sure it worked? (Not actually betting just an expression)
Halo was by far their greatest game franchises followed by destiny once they cleaned out all the problems, but they are currently working on a sinking ship trying to make a new one for them to jump onto, which we can all admit will sink faster then they hope.
Edit: the word reMEmeber is for some reason not allowed it be spoken apparently
When the ship goes down you better be ready. (When the ship goes down!) Since the institution of crossplay I've been fashioning myself a floatation device made of dgaf. The halo point is interesting though because that's another thing where people always said "destiny isn't halo, go play halo, yada yada yada" and at the time I was wondering where everyone thought the inspiration for this game was supposed to come from. Its not so much that this game needed to be made into halo as much as some of us thought it was being made like halo. And a lot of the time it was by a lot of people. Also, its interesting the way Destiny has lasted 10 years (magically somehow) and it came after Halo but the leadership is supposed to be the people doing everything wrong.
Yeah, I think it all started when they became afraid to lose players, so they began to try and keep everyone happy; that led to what we have now.
[quote]Halo was by far their greatest game franchises followed by destiny once they cleaned out all the problems, but they are currently working on a sinking ship trying to make a new one for them to jump onto, which we can all admit will sink faster then they hope.[/quote] Very well said. 👏
Worse Christmas gift idea is getting someone Destiny lol
Pepperidge Farm remembers