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12/21/2024 7:26:37 AM

The reasons this game is perceived to be difficult

I personally think this game is incredibly easy and most people don't have fun for the following reasons. 1.) People don't know that this game is designed around the WoW model at fundamental level and not a traditional FPS or Looter Shooter. This sets the wrong expectations up front and even if it was great they immediately have a bad taste in their mouth. For reason I cannot fathom there are players that want to play a game designed to be played in groups alone or without a mic. 2.) There are too many different types of players with different wants in the community and Bungie can't make any changes without enraging an egregious number of players and frankly they can't afford to just let them go at this point. 3.) The whole point of the game is to channel players into the endgame which is an MMOism. The design is to get players to start small and learn the fundamentals of pattern recognition, defeating certain typers of enemies and build crafting around certain jobs. Once again, players for some reason actively refuse to do this. Based on engagement patterns, players CP farm rather than just do the whole thing just for fun. 4.) Players are seemingly afraid to mess up so they opt to just add clear and sherpas just want to get whatever done so they don't allow for growth. As you stated the community itself is responsible for this behavior. 5.) Bungie literally made activities and a fireteam finder system to help players link up........still fight because.....ya no clue on this one. 6.) If any player sets a goal within the game like earning a specific weapon or title etc, they can obtain it with a little guidance. People set their own ceilings but the ones who don't achieve them hide behind these titles like "casual" as if that justifies mediocracy. Failing is not fun and although they may have had to use something they didn't like they and their team won. Winning is fun and is the goal of this game as a benchmark. Morale of the story is this game is very straight forward and is really easy if players get off this notion of you can play how you want and be successful. The truth is you can during normal strikes and some other low level content. Once you get past that they have to learn to play as a team and build into whatever their designated role is. I've made a "career" for lack of better words carrying and developing players that started from effectively the bottom and now are ranked among the best.

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  • Edited by CORPERATE COMMANDER: 12/21/2024 9:59:23 AM
    As some one that plays endgame daily I have to agree and disagree with you ,one main problem and it has been a problem for a long time is the amount of damage some adds kick out randomly for example snipers that 1 shot even with correct chest piece mods etc and 100 resistance or like the latest strike threshers that are bullet sponges and have aimbot lol Sadly all endgame revolves around abusing the meta and for solo runs abusing immune spots and cheeses ,games been a mess since lightfall. Go do Avalon on legend with a random fireteam and only then you'll realise that bungie over estimates the capabilities of there main playerbase or simply don't care as long as streamers in dedicated teams are happy Comes to 4 wipe mechanics should of never been a thing and is pretty toxic of the devs to implement

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