For reference, I am a Destiny 1 beta veteran, I also have over 4K hours in Destiny 2.
I want yall to share your story and talk about why you left or still play.
I simply left because of one primary issue, making the raids and other content too difficult to do. PvE sweats will say “Get good.”
Does it really matter to “get good” if the game is dead due to excluding the majority of the player base?
Bungie should know its audience, Bungie should know that shortly after new content release, the “KWTD” post start popping up.
The game should be fun and sadly it has become unenjoyable for me personally.
Clarification - Aztecross didn’t say the game was dead, he read articles about the state of the game and reported. He did express concerns about the player population.
Edit 1, Solution: Make PvE content easy enough that a new player/casual can learn fairly quickly, have one or two mechanics at most and lastly, make raids/dungeons fun, make the guardian look forward to raiding/dungeons. The contents priority should be fun.
Edit 2: GodSlayer title bashing, who cares if I have it? It’s proof that I have done a fair amount of raiding and I still find some of the raids difficult, sad to see the community still be elitist.
The raid mechanics are not too difficult… The people are. Although rare, when you get a kind person that really wants to teach in this game, it is not difficult at all. The reason it is rare to find said people or friendly raid group is because everything takes up too much time. Patience is tested in this game more than anything else. I do not touch the raids in this game because I am a solo player and deal with enough people in dungeons and in gms that make this game more difficult than it needs to be. And I do not mean bad players or players coming to grips with the game… I mean those players that cry over one death or one fail of a boss fight.. they complain, have something negative to say about a player and they leave. But in today’s destiny, a player needs a 3 or 4 hour window to do something… Or.. in bungies fault of things… Need pay walls to do certain activities etc.. I did a GM the other day through an lfg join on a non meta warlock build and was hard carrying two players.. And the first thing they had to say was an apology because they were dying. And I had to inform them that I am not one of those players… that all was good. We got it done. This is the fun I have. I know for a fact they were apologizing because of the negativity they face while just trying to play the game. Bungie has their issues.. and those issues are pulling the worst out of people. Too many paywalls, too many stretched out content activities with a punishing rng system, and a lack of growth in the core content makes redundancy punishing… But the game is like no other. What we can do in this game does not exist in any other game. And, like stated above, the players themselves are the biggest issue. Too much pride, too much selfishness, and not enough patience. GM’s, PvP, dungeons, raids are not friendly due to the players… not bungie. Bungies needs to fix this game will not happen any time soon… But it is most definitely not bungies fault for the way players act in said activities and the people are the reason in todays gaming that no one uses their mic’s anymore. Obviously this is not towards every player… Because when you meet the awesome friendly players, this game is a masterpiece in any activity.