I don’t play Trials anymore, because of enormous lag (I live far from US) and I just have accepted that. The game cannot compensate the distance/time that it takes to get information from my home to the player being the host of the game usually in US, so they always have advantage because they can kill me even before I can see them on my screen. I did measure one time, it took 650 ms on my screen to register wish-ender head shot on opponent and it took 200 ms to register opponent’s head shot on my head. So the best I can do is trade because until my shots are registered the opponent has enough time with him being the host or close to host to still kill me. Also mixing console players with PC is not good for console players at all, you just can’t do a 3600 with controller and be on the mark instantly. Also, due to low player base things are very poor. So I have accepted that I will never be able to play this mode on the same level and I decided to save me some piece of mind because in the end who cares about rewards and weapons they are not anything spectacular,so I just don’t play Trials anymore. I did play for the seasonal challenge but that is it. TLDR, just accept the state of Trials and move on