This is your app Bungie!! So start communicate here, Like you use to!
And for the love of god let me delete my dreaming Tokens! 🤞🤞🤞🤞
Edited by TripleF73: 12/23/2024 1:34:26 PMA rare triple figure upvote. They are becoming more rare every passing week. I wonder why that is?🤔 Rant ahead. Warning, open at your own risk! [spoiler]Maybe it’s because the Bungie defenders kept saying “if you don’t like the game then leave”? Maybe it’s because the elitists kept saying “if you think Destiny is hard then leave and play <insert insultingly easy game here>”. Looks like they listened to you toxic bar stewards and left. It wasn’t for the lack of trying, that those critical of the direction Bungie have been taking, in criticising Bungie’s decisions here and elsewhere. It’s a shame the game is dying, but let’s not pretend that many of us here didn’t tell you so. The lack of support for this game, particularly PvP, whilst wasting money on other (now defunct) projects is tantamount to business self deletion. That alone was idiotic, but raising the difficulty by raising the floor and removing the +20 power delta in raids and dungeons was moronic. You pushed away the casual player who pootled about in the game. You know the type of player that did the occasional raid and had semi good builds. For the hardcore elitists you should have raised the ceiling in difficulty. Something akin to GM for raids and dungeons. New emblems and double drop adept weapons and high rolled artifice armour to entice them? I don’t know about my off the cuff suggestions, but something that those that need their ego perpetually stroked could get off on, and show off to us mere mortals? I mean for Christ’s sake you’re the bloody developer, why is it you can’t think of these things. The problem is Bungie you wanted a younger audience, but the majority of players are older with families now. Increasing the grind just for the sake of engagement was bound to backfire given your audience. [/spoiler]