For reference, I am a Destiny 1 beta veteran, I also have over 4K hours in Destiny 2.
I want yall to share your story and talk about why you left or still play.
I simply left because of one primary issue, making the raids and other content too difficult to do. PvE sweats will say “Get good.”
Does it really matter to “get good” if the game is dead due to excluding the majority of the player base?
Bungie should know its audience, Bungie should know that shortly after new content release, the “KWTD” post start popping up.
The game should be fun and sadly it has become unenjoyable for me personally.
Clarification - Aztecross didn’t say the game was dead, he read articles about the state of the game and reported. He did express concerns about the player population.
Edit 1, Solution: Make PvE content easy enough that a new player/casual can learn fairly quickly, have one or two mechanics at most and lastly, make raids/dungeons fun, make the guardian look forward to raiding/dungeons. The contents priority should be fun.
Edit 2: GodSlayer title bashing, who cares if I have it? It’s proof that I have done a fair amount of raiding and I still find some of the raids difficult, sad to see the community still be elitist.
I am a day 1 player and I have my thoughts on the state of the game. I love the game but Bungie messed up big time on some parts. The biggest ones for me are: 1. Trying to facilitate the top players pushing content to a harder level. F.e. Raids. Everyone loves the D1 raids because you could really help players. If they died it wasn’t immediately a team wipe. What triggered this is more toxicity that players only want to play with players who know what to do. We need still challenging but less heavy mechanic / complicated raids. 2. Crucible. Trials is a mode where you can say okay you got to be the best. Nowadays normal crucible is also a sweat fest. You barely can play as a casual anymore. Trials itself is a self destroying game mode where the lowest level players will leave until only the sweats still play. 3. Cheaters. Some of the most obvious and you would say easily detectable cheats aren’t picked up by the anti-cheat software that you wonder if there is any anti-cheat software at all. 4. Story. When you are a new player it is hard to figure out where to start and what the order is. Then these seasonal stories we have now are super boring like the relation between Saint-14 and Osiris. Use the epic lore and make us investigate the past. Not only lore on items that you have to read. 5. Rewards. Keep things fresh so people want to play activities because of new cool looking rewards. When rewards aren’t cool pkayers don’t care.