The Dawning weapons this year are pretty decent. They're a good chase and feel worth going after. However, I've realized that it feels like you don't really get many. I want to bring this up.
My resources are wildly imbalanced. Dawning Essence is far too scarce, and Dawning Spirit can be hard to accumulate if you don't use the one ship. This makes it feel like that one ship is mandatory.
But let's look at Dawning Essence (I'll call DE from here on). DE is wildly less frequent than everything else. You can abuse checkpoint farming to get alot, but that's obviously not an intended method, so for the purpose of this argument, assume it doesn't exist.
You get roughly about 10 to 15 from a pvp match, about 15 to 20 from a strike, and around 3 from a lost sector or public event. Assuming you're not hitting any of the updated strikes with drastically lengthened completion times, this comes up to around 1 to 2 DE a minute. It takes 10 DE to make one cookie, and the Gifts in Return feel around 1 in 10 chance per cookie. This means for every 50 to 100 minutes of active game time, you're likely to get one Gift in Return. We can grossly sum it up and say we average 1 Gift in return per hour of work.
This of course isn't taking in to account the daily free gift or the bounties for extra DE, but those aren't really available for grinding.
I don't know about you all, but an average of about 1 (or 2 if we're being generous) gift(s) per continuous hour spent in activities doesn't feel right. I would say about 6 per hour should be a better rate.
If I were to make a suggestion, I would say either to drastically increase DE dropped by Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard activities, reduce the DE needed for cookies to about 3 (2 with masterworked oven), or simply drastically enhance the drop rate of Gifts in Return to around 3 in 5 chance. Or maybe even perhaps a way to focus on the event in some way to increase the odds of Dawning loot?
Though, to be honest, I feel Bungie is unlikely to increase our ability to make more cookies because of the repeatable bounties earning bright dust, and you know how stingy Bungie is about that kind of thing.
3 from a lost sector? Just run the 2030 lost sector , most take 3 to 4 mins on your own and get about 17 - 19 each run. Dawning spirit is the stuff I need!