TItle says it all tbh. Can't run overthrow for more than 5-10 mins without being kicked to orbit. Been like this for months. Had to have been caused by one of the episode updates because it wasn't like this on TFS launch.
I don't even bother to go to the Pale Heart anymore. The "guitar" error disconnections became so constant and reliable, whether solo or in a fireteam, I just gave up.
And Neomuna…
Seems very common. I haven't had it happen once yet, because I managed to finally get off the hamster wheel. Amazing how much I forgot games are supposed to be for FUN and RELAXATION, not feel like disappointing chores.
I only started experiencing this after Revenant launched, and it mostly [i]seems[/i] to occur after I swap out equipment or loadouts. (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)
That's the strangest thing about it. It wasn't like that until people played final shape.
Yep, usually happens while the final boss is up. I gave up trying to get more class items and swords
Same here, a lot.
All the time
I only have problems with The Blooming. I can complete the other 2 easily enough, but The Blooming always kicks me around the middle of the second wave.
It's very common and a known issue to Bungie.
Got the same issue.