1. You increased the light level grind again for no apparent reason. You’ve incorporated numerous features into the game where the light level feels almost pointless at this stage.
2. You stopped making red border weapons. For someone with bad RNG or limited time to grind for the perfect god roll, red border weapons were the perfect solution, and yet you decided to remove them.
3. You’ve increased the grind in this game to the point where it feels more like a full-time job than something I do to relax after work.
Destiny was, and probably always will be, one of my favorite games. However, games should be fun, and the direction the developers have taken Destiny has made it no longer enjoyable for me. Because of this, I will no longer be investing any of my money into the game. Even if a killer update is released, I will wait at least six months to see if you can sustain the momentum before spending any more money on Destiny.
Just to quickly address everyone, I’d like to point out two things:
1) Just click on my name and take a look at my profile and you can see how often I played lately, what my season rank, is what my highest guardian rink was and anything else you wanna know.
2) For those pointing out that I’m wrong somehow or this is only a me problem, please tell me why the player count for Destiny is at the lowest it’s ever been and dropping?
I love this game and I would love to see it improved. I don’t want to see it die. If I didn’t care, I would’ve kept my mouth shut.
I didn’t read your 3 reasons because I don’t care. Neither does Bungie. Now buy something from the store or shut up and leave.