Hi are you still looking for a clan to Raid with? Are you most active gaming during UK (GMT) evening time. We are Riven’s Heart a 3 year old Adult PVE Clan. Our Focus is giving gamers the opportunity to experience the fun of Raiding in Destiny. We help you understand the mechanics of Raiding and hope you go on to help others. We also do GMs and Dungeons. Discord is required for organisation of Events and Gen Chat about the game but is not used as a Social Hub for other issues. New Members are expected to Raid or request one at least once a month. If interested and you are Adult Patient Helpful Respectful send me a message with questions or ask for a invite and give us a try NB:We are happy to consider experienced raiders with lots of patience and looking to help others but we are not an Elite level clan. I’m MK thanks for reading and good luck in your clan hunt.