.Raids ,have it optional for a tutorial or description of how to complete the mechanics in the encounter .as an option once worlds first clears are done same for dungeons
Boss health scaling for solo players which isn't asking alot it's not like im asking for everything else to be scaled in the dungeon just the bosses
.remove annoying things like the ships with turrets/threshers that appear in the second area and boss stage on the arms dealer strike ,the start fine
.trials is a hard one but the most obvious thing would be crack down on all the cheats and adapter users that have chased your pvp players away from that playlist, or reduce it to 5 wins for the lighthouse possibly 🤔
.pve bring back 40% Dr for 100 resilience
.reduce the price of all dungeons
.exotic class item duo mission (look it's just become another wicked implement quest which ended up with the weapon at the kiosk since no body liked the mission or simply tweak the duo mission so it doesn't require strict communication) or even put them at a rare chance to drop at the end of raids.
And before anyone says anything, I have all 3 characters with exotic class items also the newest exotics lol so it's not asking for a handout when I already have them
. Un nerf the Deconstruct perk
.stop nerfing supers in pve
.during events show some initiative and change champs or bosses to fit the event for example dawning make unstoppables giant snowmen etc they don't need any additional effects just a re-skin
.stop giving bosses insane amount of health in raids and dungeons please, only just do this for contest mode
.make contest modes more often like once every 2 month one gm ,dungeon or a raid gets contest mode with better drop rates just remove the titles for contest mode completion since they are for day one runners (this would keep streamers happy also pve sweats)
.Deep sight harmonizers make them purchasable in the game with in game currency or make them weekly missions at xur like ciphers are
.bring back crafting for seasonal weapons
.every 3 months the devs get together and stream doing one raid, just blur out the devs names, faces etc on stream and remove comments, just a way of showing your players the devs are still active with the game and play it
Edited by A_mo: 12/25/2024 12:06:11 AMIt would be a ton of work to make that work but they really should think about it. It would probably be like 1 a year work to get it to work right and teach without trivializing ( I learned that's how you should teach from watching mactics, btw) If a raid or maybe even a GM if raids are too much could do that right that would open up a lot of doors.