Seriously embarrassing on all levels for Bungie. You can't even joke about that.
I fired the game up early today and was expecting to see a tower full of other players, but all there was were two other players. Headed out to the Dreadnaught to mess around and in the 30 minutes or so that I spent there was only one other player. Didn't give any of the playlists that are matchmade because not sure I wanted to spend several minutes waiting for it to be filled. And the last time when I was half serious about playing the game - I did so with a new character and let me tell you the [i]fun[/i] I had trying to complete some of the post TTK campaign activities like running the Shield Brothers strike or try going into any of the matchmade activities - specifically as a solo player. As the saying goes - nostalgia is one heck of a drug.