Hi everyone,
I know we are in week 12 atm for the current season although I have noticed that the Challenges for this season seem a little off. Normally we tend to have 8-10 challenges for the first few weeks then they start fluctuating between 4-8. I'm currently sitting at 56 completed out of 65 (not including the bonus challenge) as of week 12 but but my calculations that seems a little low. And to top it off even if we have 10 challenges for the last 3 weeks, its still short of the target of 101.
I know some of you are sceptical about reading what the challenges are in future weeks however I have also read that for the last 3 weeks there seems to only be 6 more for week 13, 8 for week 14 and 7 for the final week.
Now even if the final 3 weeks are incorrect and there is indeed goiing to be 10 challenges per week, I an still going to be short by a few. Is there an issue where I am not seeing some of the challenges for the previous weeks?
Act 3 of this episode is still to come.