It's sad to see what appears to be a huge decline in player numbers. Like many other players I have been playing the game almost from the beginning and have had a huge amount of fun along the way, but now the gimmicks and useless grind is wearing thin.
It would be rude if I told you what I really thought of Eva's holiday oven and I do not want to run round like a demented medievalist mixing tonics and potions. Bling and gimmicks are killing Destiny, the team needs to get back to its roots as a sci-fi based shooter with a great initial story line.
I will still play but it will be very restricted and I will not be upfront buying any more.
Honestly at this point I don't know if they could even do that anymore, they seem to have lost the ability along the way and the only thing holding it together is the gameplay that has been there from the beginning. I truly do not know if they could make something as good as they have before and at this point I would be overly critical of anything they come out with in the future, whether it's Marathon or a sequel to Destiny 2.