If you unvaulted EVERYTHING you would make BANK. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!
Even if you were to just unvault the Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and Forsaken, it would still smash sales.
Well, I already bought all that. With the $ amount new players are faced with when starting if they want all the currently available campaigns, I don’t see how adding additional $$$s for super old content would be very enticing.
That’s such a fallacy. The whole “unvault everything would fix the game” is such bs Tell me, when was the last time you ran a Nightmare/Empire hunt? Or an Exo Challenge? Or Wellspring? How about replayed a Shadowkeep or a Beyond Light mission? So please tell me exactly how inflating this already large game with useless content is gonna fix the game. If anything it’s gonna add more code to the game that considering how buggy the game is, is actually gonna break the game with even more bugs cuz those expansions are so outdated. The only piece of content that SHOULD return is the Red War campaign cuz that was actually base D2. And it would give New Lights something to do.
If they unvaulted everything the game would break. Most of that is out of date code wise and was buggy before
Curse of Osiris was trash, and all year one content was free for a while.
Doubt it. Damage is done.