I am stuck at this step, the panels with numbers aren't appearing, tried multiple times and on diff characters.
What to try/do next?
Hi there, Thank you for your report. We've been alerted to issues affecting the Rogue Network quest and are investigating the underlying cause further. To review any Known Issues, we recommend viewing them on the following [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/27062192032404-Destiny-2-Year-7-Known-Issues-and-Vital-Information?_ga=2.138766838.434457230.1731346808-1420294048.1731346808]page[/url]. For possible updates concerning this issue and other ongoing ones, we recommend viewing our Patch Notes as they become available, posted on the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News]News [/url]page.