Is this mission still a 2-player activity? I left the game a few months ago after finding I can't get exotic class items solo. Did bungie fix it or no?
This Exotic mission was designed for exactly two players so there’s no “fixing” As for unlocking Exotic Class items without needing to do Dual Destiny, you missed out. FotL had them. Your loss
Wasn’t broken. Next?
Edited by Salty-47: 12/30/2024 6:49:35 PM[u][b]Dual[/b][/u] destiny is and always will be a 2-player activity. So nothing to "fix." Quitting over needing to play a multiplayer game, oddly enough, with other people is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Then again, there was a way to earn them solo, but due to you quitting over such a small thing, you missed it.
Should have played the game during Halloween.
What is there to fix? It’s called DUAL Destiny for a reason. So of course it’s a 2 player activity.
Still requires 2 players which isn't the issue it's mostly the strict communication on callouts and timer that is the issue But your answer is it's still the same and no bungie didn't listen to feedback from masses only the top%
Sadly it’s still a 2 player activity.
Can get em from xur btw....well, when he is selling them.
Yes and Bungie will never change it and I’m glad they won’t. Because it’s a great exotic mission.
Just find a guardian and do it, its like a 30 minute activity and then you can farm it by yourself.
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 12/29/2024 1:49:07 AMIt was designed to be only a 2 player activity , each person has different things to do at the same time , it doesn't work solo And I got some bad news, if you had played during FOTL, you could have bought acess to them with 2500 candy , then farm them on Pale Heart and buy rolls from Xur , without completing the mission I still want to do it for the title though
[quote]Did bungie fix it or no?[/quote] There wasn't anything to fix, but if you didn't grab it during Festival of the Lost when they were handing it out you missed it for now.
Everything in destiny can be played solo. This mission you can't even load in solo.