The fact that you guys are giving table scraps (AKA ONE Adept) for Solo queuing to be able to even get those table scraps is atrocious and should be fixed ASAP. I'm sorry but most of the Adept weapons that you get in this game you don't get the roll you're looking with one. You need to at least give the SAME rewards and Game protection as the full fire team gets with there wins. This game is on life support and needs players so why in the world would anyone want to go into Trials, get Passage of Persistence, get beat on all day, win, lose, lose, lose, win, lose lose, lose and just tread water to get an adept weapon that every perk you DONT want on it. You have Trials Cyphers which is Laughable and the most insane thing ever do to how you get them.
You guys need to stop using psychology to try and bait people into doing things and start making the game fun because fun equates to more people playing. You have a solid game and yet you use FOMO and psychology to try and hook people into playing this game which is the reason why we're in the state we're in today, that with a couple million bugs, lack of attention to content, and the cheater issues which is rampant.
Please change the card to make it so solo get the same protection and rewards as full fireateams. PLEASE!
This is pretty much the best compromise for players that can't string 3-4 wins in a row reliably. It can be a massive struggle to get through but if they remove the penalty then it would benefit the more consistent players even more than the current Mercy card. I went "Flawless" twice with the Persistence and I am a less than average PvP player, but even I was able to complete the new Ferocity card with a couple of 4 win streaks and get a real Lighthouse visit. It still took me two days to get but much better than Persistence if you can get those streaks occasionally. I recommend Sunday and Monday as more matches seem closer to my level than earlier in the weekend. Sadly with a lower population it makes it much harder to get those matches though.