I matched against a team of 2. One of the solos on my team was in the same clan as the team of 2 we were up against. He walked up to his clanmates and let them shoot him! He was clearly throwing on purpose so I reported him in game. This player should be banned.
[spoiler]This was for one of my promotion matches to ascendant in comp btw. [/spoiler]
There needs to be more focus on ensuring PvP matches are fair. For example: vote to kick. Vote to kick is in many games and would help solo queuers boot problematic teammates. I know I'd rather be in a 2v3 than to have a griefer on my team.
Also, there should be reparations for those affected by hackers and griefers, such as in-game rewards. Giving out 100 bright dust (or silver?) to players if they correctly identified and reported a hacker/griefer would be enough. It would definitely relieve some of the frustration.
Yeah, absolutely no way vote to kick could possibly be toxic or abused
Bungie statement has always been, destiny has a competitive playlist but is not a competitive game and should not be treated as such. Don’t take destiny pvp to serious. Bungie has given you a cr rating and this rating determines what rank you are don’t bother getting mad about it. Just accept it and life will be more fun
Edited by Zodleon: 12/30/2024 1:15:14 PMThey don't have the numbers to support vote to kick, also that'd just make vindictive 2 stacks vote to kick you, the destiny player base that still exists doesn't need more sanctioned tools to grief each other, they already cant be trusted with the report system, amongst others.
Lol that would be awesome. I'd be bright dust rich!
Edited by Energeiz: 12/31/2024 4:05:29 PMFix it by stop Nerfing weapons create the balance instead of only selected weapons giving you a Gaygasm and Remove the secret agree with Government Game Sabotage Agents that can change their name Repetitively
THE GAME IS ON LIFE SUPPORT. They aren’t going to dump time and resources into it.
Edited by VCP-MotioN: 12/29/2024 5:14:36 PMNothing will become of your report. That's where Bungie is failing terrible.
The best fix: Stop playing.