Considering the only 3 raids that aren’t vaulted you’ve actually cleared are deep stone crypt, last wish, and garden of salvation why are you even talking? You’ve never even attempted them.
Raiding is all I do 😅
Someone's salty because they can't get Conditional Finality.
Edited by CORPERATE COMMANDER: 12/30/2024 2:40:49 PMSame i also hate raids, Ive said for years what would make raids better is if we had an option in game for a tutorial for the mechanics to be shown whilst in the raid obv after worlds first clears instead of being forced to use another platform outside the game for a tutorial, just make it so the exotic doesn't drop for that player if tutorial option is turned on That would be raids fixed and paid sherpas/carries would disappear overnight, so it won't happen, bungie has proven countless of times who the games made for and that has been part of there well deserved downfall tbh
I really enjoyed every D1 raid and completed them all multiple times. All of the D2 raids are far too complex for my brain and contain way too puzzles and symbols to remember. That’s the only reason I haven’t done them
I haven’t even considered doing a raid in D2. I don’t think raids are difficult or complex, it’s that I dealt with more than enough negative people doing raids. I play games to have fun and I’ve never had a fun experience doing a raid.
I’d like to do Raid and Dungeons. But every time I watch a tutorial it feels like I need to book an afternoon to do so and I don’t have that kind of time. Otherwise they seem fun.
All content is a money grab tho
Raids are the best content in Destiny.
So why can't you complete any of the raids available?
Raids and Dungeons are the best part of this game and frankly the biggest difference between it and every other like game on the market. The mechanics are by design supposed to be learned by the players themselves and Bungie leans heavily into player puzzle discovery as a pillar for everything. Even after day one completions players are always finding better ways to do things or cleaning up strategies. Problem solving and critical thinking are a big part of the endgame and a core fundamental. The game doesn't point you in a direction because it wants you to figure it out.
If I didn’t raid; I wouldn’t bother with this game… missing out on great pve content
Then don't do them
I like raids 🙂
You're entitled to your opinion. I love them. But how can they make money of it?
Edited by iCoNiC FeArZ: 12/30/2024 9:21:46 AMHuh? I lost brain cells.
[quote]Just $ making[/quote] OMG a business trying to make money. Its the end of the world. Run to the hills. Muppet.
OK. And?
What exactly is your complaint?
I know!
Raids come with the expansions; there's no extra charge for them.