Whoever decided to give the drop pods a guardian tracker is a psycho. Ive been keeping an eye on the usual landing zones, specifically in onslaughts. They consistently land in the same general areas. Until a guardian meanders out to battle. Its too much of a coincidence to say it randomly lands on guardians. Sometimes you see the telltale sign on the ground a pod is coming. Sometimes theres no warning. Ive even stayed right next to a wall and still died. Best is to stay put i guess. Getting killed by a pod right after activating super is just as frustrating when it happens by a guardian in crucible.
only gimps have whispers turnt off - old
play silly games win silly prizes my brother in light -
Actually I love seeing a guardian get smashed by one, even if it's me.
I still want Bungie to add a category to the stat trackers that showcased the number of times a player has died to drop pods. If for anything, just to see how large of a number the game could display. Would be even better if there was a special emblem called 'Splat' with a drop pod as the background.
I enjoy drop pods. It's like divine justice on players attempting to rush or rambo. It makes me happy 😊
I love the one cosmodrome battlegrounds, watching blueberries trying to rush forward and getting splattered by some pods. Sometimes, it happens multiple times, and it reminds me of the bee movie when he tries to fly out the window.
Not as bad as Neomuna, there you could get squashed by a pod inside of a building.