So like, I don't get it.
-Momento only drops from lighthouse
-Getting to lighthouse is ridiculous
-You only get loot for winning, losses do not award loot
-Matchmaking is always broken
-Wearing full set of trials gear does not give more rep like iron banana
-Can not farm momento
Can someone explain to me why you aren't guranteed atleast an engram for playing a match? am I missing something? Why is grinding for loot so tedious and not worth the time investment only in pvp? Why doesn't the momento drop just from playing trials.. because iron banana momento drops from playing, nightfall momento drops from playing too, right? I don't get it. Why doesn't bungie just revamp pvp to be more focused on getting loot rather than being an endless grind for no reason
Imo the memento should be a random drop from any match and the nightfall memento should be a random drop from any nightfall