Half a dozen times today and many times before today i keep getting booted out for error code guitar. What in the world is going on. Its wasted progress and time to be on the last part of an overthrow and booted. Ive cleared the download cache all the time. You cant pick ammo up if your full, you cant pick glimmer up if your full, if this is truly the reason im booted why is there no timer to get the loot? If you dont pick it up in a few minutes u obviously dont need it...and more npc's respawn so u could get whatever u need again...im so confused!!!!!
Hello there, Thank you for your report. We've received reports of the Guitar error code occurring at an elevated rate. We're currently investigating the underlying cause of this. To review any Known Issues, we recommend viewing them on the following [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/27062192032404-Destiny-2-Year-7-Known-Issues-and-Vital-Information?_ga=2.138766838.434457230.1731346808-1420294048.1731346808]page[/url]. For any updates on this issue, we recommend viewing our Patch Notes as they become available, posted on the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News]News [/url]page.