Hi Does Uk Evening time for Raids work. I run a clan set up to help people get into Raiding so they can experience some of the best content and fun in the game. Our concept we help you and you help others. We aren’t Elite you won’t find us offering Masters every week but we have some who join together to get them done. If timezone works and you have Discord which we use purely for game organisation and chat not as a Social Hub, if you are Adult Patient Helpful Respectful you would be welcome to give us a try. Clan wise we average 70 with a core of about 25-30 Regular Raiders the rest expected to be active monthly but do GMs Dungeons Seasonal and Occasional Raid. Our minimum expectation is we offer 3 Raids a week and New members ask or participate in 1. Any questions just ask in a Dm or here and I will do my best to answer. All the best with your search MK